Preventing Edits To Users From Other Tenants

Remember that user tenant2 could update his TenantId with some service call, and we had to secure it server side.

Similar to this, even if he can't see users from other tenants by default, he can actually retrieve and update them.

Time to hack again.

Open Chrome console and type this:

new MultiTenancy.Administration.UserDialog().loadByIdAndOpenDialog(1)

What? He could open user dialog for admin and update it!

MultiTenancy.Administration.UserDialog is the dialog class that is opened when you click a username in user administration page.

We created a new instance of it, and asked to load a user entity by its ID. Admin user has an ID of 1.

So, to load the entity with ID 1, dialog called Retrieve service of UserRepository.

Remember that we did filtering in List method of UserRepository, not Retrieve. So, service has no idea, if it should return this record from another tenant, or not.

It's time to secure retrieve service in UserRepository:

private class MyRetrieveHandler : RetrieveRequestHandler<MyRow>
    protected override void PrepareQuery(SqlQuery query)

        var user = (UserDefinition)Authorization.UserDefinition;
        if (!Authorization.HasPermission(PermissionKeys.Tenants))
            query.Where(fld.TenantId == user.TenantId);

We did same changes in MyListHandler before.

If you try same Javascript code now, you'll get an error:

Record not found. It might be deleted or you don't have required permissions!

But, we could still update record calling Update service manually. So, need to secure MySaveHandler too.

Change its ValidateRequest method like this:

protected override void ValidateRequest()

    if (IsUpdate)
        var user = (UserDefinition)Authorization.UserDefinition;
        if (Old.TenantId != user.TenantId)

        // ...

Here we check if it's an update, and if TenantId of record being updated (Old.TenantId) is different than currently logged user's TenantId. If so, we call Authorization.ValidatePermission method to ensure that user has tenant administration permission. It will raise an error if not.

Authorization has been denied for this request!

Preventing To Delete Users From Other Tenants

There are delete and undelete handlers in UserRepository, and they suffer from similar security holes.

Using similar methods, we need to secure them too:

private class MyDeleteHandler : DeleteRequestHandler<MyRow>
    protected override void ValidateRequest()

        var user = (UserDefinition)Authorization.UserDefinition;
        if (Row.TenantId != user.TenantId)

private class MyUndeleteHandler : UndeleteRequestHandler<MyRow>
    protected override void ValidateRequest()

        var user = (UserDefinition)Authorization.UserDefinition;
        if (Row.TenantId != user.TenantId)

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