How To: Upgrade to Serenity 2.0 and Enable TypeScript

Serenity has TypeScript support starting with version 2.0.

This is a migration guide for users that started with an older Serene template, and wants to use TypeScript features.

If you don't need TypeScript, just update your Serenity packages and it should work as normal.

Even if you won't need TypeScript, it's recommended to perform steps listed here to keep your project up to date. This might also help you avoid future problems as there has been many changes in Serene for TypeScript support.

Should I Switch To TypeScript?

TypeScript support in Serenity is stable as of writing and is strongly recommended. TypeScript is the future for Serenity applications, as it has a stronger backing at the moment (Microsoft and average number of users).

Also TypeScript feels like native Javascript with proper intellisense, refactoring and compile time type checking.

We've been using Saltaralle with Serenity since start but its future is a bit blurry. It didn't get any updates since it is acquired by Bridge.NET, last June (2015).

Your old code written in Saltaralle will continue to work. It will be supported as long as possible with Serenity for backward compability.

If Bridge.NET v2.0 (next Saltaralle) comes out, we may also try to switch, unless it involves too many changes to handle.

Migrating Your Serene Application to v2.0

Check that your solution is building properly

First make sure your solution is properly building.

If possible, take a ZIP backup of solution, as some steps we'll perform might be hard to revert.

Install TypeScript

Install TypeScript 1.8+ from

for your Visual Studio version.

Update NuGet Packages

Update to 2.0 packages as you'd normally do:

Update-Package Serenity.Web
Update-Package Serenity.CodeGenerator
Update-Package Serenity.Script

While updating Serenity.Web, VS might show a dialog with text "Your Project has been configured to support TypeScript". Click YES.

Ensuring Package Updates Caused No Problems

Rebuild your solution again and run it. Open some pages, dialogs etc. and make sure that it is working properly with 2.0 packages.

Configuring Web Project for TypeScript

Unload MyProject.Web and edit it.

Add lines below after TypeScriptToolsVersion line:

    // ...

Replace Serene.Web.js with your project name.

In the end of same file, you'll see lines like below:

  <Import Project="...Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
  <Import Project="...Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
  <Import Project="...Microsoft.TypeScript.targets" />

Make sure the line with TypeScript.targets with is under all other targets. Move it under WebAplpication.targets if not. VS puts them before Microsoft.WebApplication.targets and somehow it doesn't work that way.

Also, at the bottom of file, you'll find CompileSiteLess step, add TSC to end of it:

  <Target Name="CompileSiteLess" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(ProjectDir)tools\node\lessc.cmd&quot; 
        &quot;$(ProjectDir)Content\site\site.less&quot; &gt; 
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(TscToolPath)\$(TypeScriptToolsVersion)\
        $(TscToolExe)&quot; -project &quot;
        $(ProjectDir)tsconfig.json&quot;" ContinueOnError="true" />

Save changes, reload the project and follow to next step.

Adding tsconfig.json File

Add a tsconfig.json file to the root of your Web project (where web.config and Global.asax files are) with content like below:

    "compileOnSave": true,
    "compilerOptions": {
        "preserveConstEnums": true,
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "declaration": true,
        "emitBOM": true,
        "sourceMap": true,
        "target": "ES5",
        "outFile": "Scripts/site/Serene.Web.js"
    "exclude": [

Replace Serene.Web with your project name.

Add a Test TypeScript File

Add a dummy.ts file under YourProject.Web/scripts/site/dummy.ts. Open it and type something like below:

namespace MyProject {
    export class Dummy {

When you save it, there should be a MyProject.Web.js file there with content below. If you can't see it, click Show All Files and refresh folder.

var MyProject;
(function (MyProject) {
    var Dummy = (function () {
        function Dummy() {
        return Dummy;
    MyProject.Dummy = Dummy;
})(MyProject || (MyProject = {}));

Right click and include that file to your project. Now you can delete dummy.ts.

If you are using a version before VS2015 and compile on save is not working, your TS files will be compiled at project build.

Including MyProject.Web.js file in _LayoutHead.cshtml

Edit MyProject.Web/Views/Shared/_LayoutHead.cshtml and include MyProject.Web.js right after MyProject.Script.js file:

// ...
// ...

Your project is configured for TypeScript.

Changing Location for T4 Templates

Serene v2.0 has merged some .TT templates and created new one for TypeScript code generation.

Please make sure your project is building successfully and DON'T CLEAN it while performing these steps, otherwise you may end up with a broken project.

Locate file YourProject.Web\Modules\Common\Imports\ MultipleOutputHelper.ttinclude

Make a copy of it in same folder with name CodeGenerationHelpers.ttinclude

Get latest source of CodeGenerationHelpers.ttinclude from address below and copy paste it to CodeGenerationHelpers.ttinclude file you just created:

Search and Replace Serene with YourProjectName in this file if any. There shouldn't be any Serene word in this file as of writing.

You may also create a new Serene project with latest version of template to get these files.

Create folder YourProject.Web\Modules\Common\Imports\ClientTypes and move to there, then rename to

Grab latest source of file from address below and copy paste it to file you just moved:

Search and Replace Serene with YourProjectName in this file if any.

Create folder YourProject.Web\Modules\Common\Imports\ServerTypings and move to there, then rename to

Grab latest source of file from address below and copy paste it to file you just moved:

Search and Replace Serene with YourProjectName in this file if any.

Generate Code

While they are open save and files, and wait for them to generate codes.

Save project and rebuild.

Changing Location for FormContexts and ServiceContracts T4 Templates

These two templates are merged into one.

We'll repeat similar steps like in Web project.

Locate file YourProject.Script\Imports\ MultipleOutputHelper.ttinclude

Make a copy of it in same folder with name CodeGenerationHelpers.ttinclude

Get latest source of CodeGenerationHelpers.ttinclude from address below (it's different!) and copy paste it to CodeGenerationHelpers.ttinclude file you just created: b900c67b4c820284379b9c613b16379bb8c530f3/Serene/Serene.Script/ Imports/CodeGenerationHelpers.ttinclude

Search and Replace Serene with YourProjectName in this file. There must be several.

Rename folder YourProject.Script\Imports\ServiceContracts to ServerImports. Rename to

Grab latest source of file from address below and copy paste it to file you just renamed: b900c67b4c820284379b9c613b16379bb8c530f3/Serene/Serene.Script/ Imports/ServerImports/

Search and Replace Serene with YourProjectName in this file.

Delete folder FormContexts with file in it.

Save and wait for it to generate code. It might take some time because of some slow down due to Saltaralle.

Rebuild solution and make sure it builds properly without any error.

Congratulations! Your project is ready for TypeScript and other features.

What are These New .tt Files

  • generated code for TypeScript, containing Row, Form, Column, Service declarations imported from Server (Web) code. Also contains import classes from YourProject.Script file if any.

  • generated code for Saltaralle, containing Row, Form, Column, Service declarations imported from Server (Web) code. There is no import classes from TypeScript yet. So if you want to use some TypeScript class in your Saltaralle code, you need to write import classes manually.

  • generated code for Web project, containing Editor and Formatter imports from both TypeScript and Saltaralle.

How Can I Generate TypeScript Grid/Dialog Code

There is such an option in Serenity CodeGenerator (Sergen) now. Just check *Generate Grid/Dialog Code in TypeScript (instead of Saltaralle) and it will generate YourDialog.ts and YourGrid.ts files under YourProject.Web/Modules/YourEntity directory, instead of YourGrid.cs and YourDialog.cs in YourProject.Script project.

Please don't generate code for existing Saltaralle dialogs or grids using Sergen. Otherwise you'll have double YourGrid and YourDialog classes and it may lead to unexpected errors.

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