Adding Primary and Gallery Images

To add a primary image and multiple gallery images to both Movie and Person records, need to start with a migration:

using FluentMigrator;
using System;

namespace MovieTutorial.Migrations.DefaultDB
    public class DefaultDB_20151115_202100_PrimaryGalleryImages : Migration
        public override void Up()


        public override void Down()

Then modify MovieRow.cs and PersonRow.cs:

namespace MovieTutorial.MovieDB.Entities
    // ...
    public sealed class PersonRow : Row, IIdRow, INameRow

        [DisplayName("Primary Image"), Size(100), 
         ImageUploadEditor(FilenameFormat = "Person/PrimaryImage/~")]
        public string PrimaryImage
            get { return Fields.PrimaryImage[this]; }
            set { Fields.PrimaryImage[this] = value; }

        [DisplayName("Gallery Images"), 
         MultipleImageUploadEditor(FilenameFormat = "Person/GalleryImages/~")]
        public string GalleryImages
            get { return Fields.GalleryImages[this]; }
            set { Fields.GalleryImages[this] = value; }

        // ...

        public class RowFields : RowFieldsBase
            // ...
            public readonly StringField PrimaryImage;
            public readonly StringField GalleryImages;
            // ...
namespace MovieTutorial.MovieDB.Entities
    // ...
    public sealed class MovieRow : Row, IIdRow, INameRow
        [DisplayName("Primary Image"), Size(100), 
         ImageUploadEditor(FilenameFormat = "Movie/PrimaryImage/~")]
        public string PrimaryImage
            get { return Fields.PrimaryImage[this]; }
            set { Fields.PrimaryImage[this] = value; }

        [DisplayName("Gallery Images"), 
         MultipleImageUploadEditor(FilenameFormat = "Movie/GalleryImages/~")]
        public string GalleryImages
            get { return Fields.GalleryImages[this]; }
            set { Fields.GalleryImages[this] = value; }

        // ...
        public class RowFields : RowFieldsBase
            // ...
            public readonly StringField PrimaryImage;
            public readonly StringField GalleryImages;
            // ...

Here we specify that these fields will be handled by ImageUploadEditor and MultipleImageUploadEditor types.

FilenameFormat specifies the naming of uploaded files. For example, Person primary image will be uploaded to a folder under App_Data/upload/Person/PrimaryImage/.

~ at the end of FilenameFormat is a shortcut for the automatic naming scheme {1:00000}/{0:00000000}_{2}.

Here, parameter {0} is replaced with identity of the record, e.g. PersonID.

Parameter {1} is identity / 1000. This is useful to limit number of files that stored in one directory.

Parameter {2} is a unique string like 6l55nk6v2tiyi, which is used to generate a new file name on every upload. This helps to avoid problems caused by caching on client side.

Thus, a file we upload for person primary image will be located at a path like this:

> App_Data\upload\Person\PrimaryImage\00000\00000001_6l55nk6v2tiyi.jpg

You don't have to follow this naming scheme. You can specify your own format like PersonPrimaryImage_{0}_{2}.

Next step is to add these fields to forms (MovieForm.cs and PersonForm.cs):

namespace MovieTutorial.MovieDB.Forms
    public class PersonForm
        public String Firstname { get; set; }
        public String Lastname { get; set; }
        public String PrimaryImage { get; set; }
        public String GalleryImages { get; set; }
        public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
        public String BirthPlace { get; set; }
        public Gender Gender { get; set; }
        public Int32 Height { get; set; }

namespace MovieTutorial.MovieDB.Forms
    public class MovieForm
        public String Title { get; set; }
        [TextAreaEditor(Rows = 3)]
        public String Description { get; set; }
        public List<Entities.MovieCastRow> CastList { get; set; }
        public String PrimaryImage { get; set; }
        public String GalleryImages { get; set; }
        [TextAreaEditor(Rows = 8)]
        public String Storyline { get; set; }
        public Int32 Year { get; set; }
        public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
        public Int32 Runtime { get; set; }
        public Int32 GenreId { get; set; }
        public MovieKind Kind { get; set; }

I also modified Person dialog css a bit to have more space:

.s-PersonDialog {
    > .size { .widthAndMin(700px); .heightAndMin(600px); }
    .dialog-styles(@h: auto, @l: 150px, @e: 450px);
    .s-PropertyGrid .categories { height: 460px; }
    .ui-dialog-content { overflow: hidden; }
    .tab-pane.s-TabMovies { padding: 5px; }
    .s-PersonMovieGrid > .grid-container { height: 515px; }

This is what we get now:

Person with Images

ImageUploadEditor stores file name directly in a string field, while MultipleImageUpload editor stores file names in a string field with JSON array format.