
[namespace: Serenity.Configuration, assembly: Serenity.Data]

Most web applications store configuration settings in web.config file, under appSettings section.

Serenity provides a default implementation of IConfigurationRepository that uses appSettings as configuration store.

public class AppSettingsJsonConfigRepository : IConfigurationRepository
    public void Save(Type settingType, object value)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public object Load(Type settingType)
        return LocalCache.Get("ApplicationSetting:" + settingType.FullName,
            TimeSpan.Zero, delegate()
            var keyAttr = settingType.GetCustomAttribute<SettingKeyAttribute>();
            var key = keyAttr == null ? settingType.Name : keyAttr.Value;
            return JSON.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key].TrimToNull() ??
                "{}", settingType);

To register this provider manually:

var registrar = Dependency.Resolve<IDependencyRegistrar>();
    new AppSettingsJsonConfigRepository())

When you call Serenity.Web.CommonInitialization.Run(), it registers this class as the default provider for IConfigurationRepository (in Application scope), if another one is not already registered.

This provider expects settings to be defined in web.config / app.config file in JSON format:

    <add key="Logging" value="{  File: '~\\App_Data\\Log\\App_{0}_{1}.log',
        FlushTimeout: 0,  Level: 'Debug' }" />

Out of the box, Serenity contains this configuration provider only. You may take it as a sample, and write another one for your setup (load from database etc.).

It is a good idea to cache returned objects in your implementation to avoid deserialization costs every time settings are read.