IPermissionService Interface

[namespace: Serenity.Abstractions, assembly: Serenity.Core]

A permission is some grant to do some action (entering a page, calling a certain service). In Serenity permissions are some string keys that are assigned to individual users (similar to ASP.NET roles).

For example, if we say some user has Administration permission, this user can see navigation links that requires this permission or call services that require the same.

You can also use composite permission keys like ApplicationID:PermissionID (for example Orders:Create), but Serenity doesn't care about application ID, nor permission ID, it only uses the composite permission key as a whole.

public interface IPermissionService
    bool HasPermission(string permission);

You might have a table like...

CREATE TABLE UserPermissions (
    UserID int,
    Permission nvarchar(20)

and query on this table to implement this interface.

A simpler sample for applications where there is a admin user who is the only one that has the permission Administration could be:

using Serenity;
using Serenity.Abstractions;

public class DummyPermissionService : IPermissionService
    public bool HasPermission(string permission)
        if (Authorization.Username == "admin")
            return true;

        if (permission == "Administration")
            return false;

        return true;